Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Foster Babes...

So I brought Chandler to the vet today to have him checked out. he has
some infected spots on his bod. poor baby. he's on clavamox (amoxicillin
for cats) and has some cream to put on the spots. He purred the whole
time he was at the vet! he's a great little dude!

Joey... He came by me tonight and actually let me pet him. baby steps.

Gunther... you can tell that he wants to come and play so badly but he
keeps his distance and watches.

and then there is Ross. Ross and I have a love/hate relationship.
He loves to hate me. I have read every article on how to "tame a feral kitten"
and even watched videos on how to do it. I'd like to make my own video called
"how to tame a feral kitten except it's not working at all leave suggestions"

I got a few good ones. use low voices, don't smile big (looks like you're going to eat them), turn on a radio when you're not in the room.

so what I did when I went in before was frown, used a deep voice and sang.
didn't work lol.

so I tried this.... turned on the radio and left the room.

the result was this.... LOUD MUSIC cuz someone thought the radio was a toy.

I feel like the piano guy from sesame street!!