Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss Bella

I want to write a little bit about the kitten I adopted.
Her Name is Annabelle Louise... Bella for short (unless
she's being sassy lol). She's a very loving cat. She is
very set in her ways! She adores her big brother!! She is a
stinker!! Bella has this huge personality that is so funny
and sassy at the same time! She bites! Only me, and only
a few times. She was sure mad about something! The people
who know her best still call her "baby Annabelle" I think
that's cute. She will be 1 on December 22. she told me she
wants a princess party lol... we'll see. I love her. She
brought me happiness in what was a sad time. She makes me smile
a lot! She also makes me crabby...a lot! (like now, when she's using
the door frame as a scratching post... those are the times when
I want to chop her fingers off).

Here are a few pictures...

1 comment:

  1. She sure is cute. I love her little face. :) She's a stinker but she sure does love you!
